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April 23, 2024

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Reader Poll

Who do you think won the debate?

Response Votes
Sharron Angle 45% 1549
Harry Reid 50% 1738
Tie 3% 122
Total Votes 3409

Note: This is not a scientific poll. The results reflect only the opinions of those who chose to participate.

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  1. OK, the debate just finished. Angle did not come across as a crazy person. In fact, she seemed rather normal. She was a bit fuzzy on facts, and tended to rely on slogans a lot. She mentioned Ronald Reagan at least twice, and got in "American exceptionalism" and "There you go again." I lost count of her references to the Constitution and "Obamacare." On several of her answers, she repeated claims that Harry replied were "simply not true," e.g. his support for Social Security benefits for illegal aliens. She attacked "No child left behind," as well as the Department of Education, and reiterated that she wanted to "personalize" Social Security. But no truly stupid gaffes. She came across as a normal person with far right ideas.

    Harry was a bit tongue-tied, but he had a ready command of the facts. I'm pretty sure several of his statements stretched the truth a bit, but I didn't hear anything plainly false from him. He gave a great defense of health care reform, vigorously defended Social Security, and the VA. He tended to defend the Clinton administration a bit more than necessary, but put it in context. He came across as knowledgeable, engaged, and caring.

    Favorite Supreme Court justices was an interesting question. Reid mentioned Scalia, Angle liked Thomas, didn't think Sotomayor or Kagan should have been confirmed based on her understanding of the Constitution. Harry replied that the Supreme Court should be de-politicized, and we should just find the best legal minds available. He also said Bush v. Gore was a terrible decision, but pointed out that when the decision was handed down, Bush took office without any riots because we're a nation of laws. Point to Harry!

    On many questions, Harry went into a lot of wonkish details that probably left the average viewer nodding off, while Sharron kept it down to slogans. If you care about facts, Harry won; otherwise, Sharron did a better job of staying on her script. They got into Yucca Mountain, and Harry pointed out that Sharron wanted to use the facility to generate nuclear power, but there isn't enough available water in Nevada for cooling. Sharron responded that there are newer technologies involving liquid metal cooling, used on submarines. I pointed out that submarines are surrounded by water, but no one was listening.

    If you are a public policy-oriented person, Harry clearly won the debate. But if you came looking to verify that Sharron Angle is a kook, you came away empty handed. Both had to defend some of their prior statements, and both came well enough prepared to do so that neither looked particularly disingenuous.

    Final score: Harry won, but Sharron didn't embarrass herself, and so she might have benefited ever so slightly.

  2. With regard to this evenings debate.

    I am disappointed that we only are given the opportunity to see one debate.
    Sharron Angle started the debate with a lie in order to set the stage for herself. She said "Harry Reid has been a politician for x years while I am a HOUSEWIFE< MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER. The implication is that she is new and fresh to the election. That is totally untrue.

    Angle also acted in a sexist manner. She taunted Harry Reid by saying MAN UP . In my book thats a cheap shot because as a woman
    Harry Reid would not answer her otherwise he would be accused of bullying a woman. Perhaps he should have asked whether he was talking to Mr Angle or Mrs Angle because if he was talking to Mr Angle he would have responded differently.

    3rd and my view the most important reason to vote for Harry Reid is that so many long time Republicans are supporting Harry Reid.
    The facts are the facts they really know this woman a lot better then the average voter. There support for Harry leads me to believe that they really know what a disaster this woman is
    Dont be swayed by the false smile. Skinned teeth are not necessarily a smile

  3. Harry suffers from stage's ok, so do I. I appreciated Harry trying to answer each question, and thoroughly explain some of his positions. Sharron was like a hamster in a cage, ever going round and round with every worn out talking point she could remember.

  4. My impressions of the debate -

    Harry looked more nervous that Sharron, which surprised me. His best points were about the Clinton surpluses, and they were made much better because Sharron didn't point out that they didn't start until the GOP took over Congress. But he looked like a career politician who was unable to give a straight answer when he avoided giving yes or no answers twice, while Sharron didn't hesitate. Harry made a minor point when he pointed out that Sharron's husband gets government medical coverage, but that was offest by Sharron talking about the great coverage Harry gets as a member of Congress.

    Sharron did not make any large mistakes. She was more aggressive than Harry, and as a woman she had the advantage of being able to attack him while he had to be more gentle with her. But at least she used her advantage, while Harry fumbled away the advantage he had in inside knowledge as an important member of the Senate. I don't think Harry surprised her once, but she got him with the question about his personal net worth.

    Her smile isn't contagious, but I assume that someone told her she looked better with it than without it. Harry looked old and a little tired. When I listened to a partial replay I thought maybe Harry would come across better when I jsut heard his voice, but he stumbled an awful lot.

    Angle won because many fence sitters who disliked Harry but doubted her will feel better now than they did before the debate.

  5. After hearing the following comments tonight, I can't believe that anyone could possibly take Sharron Angle seriously. She's not what's good for Nevada - she's a guaranteed train wreck disaster for Nevada!

    1. We need to make tax cuts for the wealthy permanent. Otherwise they're going to hold on to their money and not help the economy. (Can you say blackmail?)
    2. We can't trust you with our taxes. How did you become so wealthy on a government payroll? (to Sen. Reid, who spent many years as a successful attorney)
    3. There is nothing I believe we should require health insurance companies to cover.
    4. The reason I smile so much is because I'm an optimist. And with God's help, we'll solve our problems.
    5. The Department of Education is a violation of our 10th Amendment right.
    6. Pink ribbons are not going to make people have a better insurance plan.
    7. Obamacare has destroyed our economy.
    8. No, I only offered him the same that all citizens want. (when questioned about whether or not she had promised to use her Washington influence to help Ashjian get a job if he would back out of the race.)
    9. My favorite Supreme Court Justice -- Clarence Thomas.
    10. No, I didn't say our citizens are spoiled. I said our system has spoiled people by encouraging them to stay on unemployment instead of getting a real job.

  6. Summary of the Reid/Angle Debate from Rude Pundit:

    Reid: "Here's stuff I really did."
    Angle: "Random Tea Party talking point."
    Reid: Here's more stuff I did."
    Angle: "Obamacare."

    Yup, that about sums it up.

  7. uhhh is sharons favorite word . she must have said that 41 times at least . that is because she can't think as fast as she lies.

  8. It's all over for Harry Reid - The charge that Angle is extreme and crazy proved to be untrue in one short hour last night.

    The Harry Reid record as one of the worst Senators this country has ever seen will not go out of people's minds for quite some time. Sharron dressing down Harry and essentially ordering him to apolize to American for his raising the white flag on the Iraq war put the final stake into Harry Reid's heart.

    The latest polls all have Angle up and gaining momentum. Pack your bags Harry, you are done and thnak God for that.

  9. @ "Wedo" Richard... I think it was more like 51 times! But great observation!

    @ Marla... Same! I think your recap was wonderful!

    Angle did look like "a hamster in a cage" and acted as such. Her views are sooooo off the radar it is crazy! Oh and I "love" her commercial that she lives and a small modest home! I wonder if she would if she were elected. She bangs on Reid for things I bet she would do if given the chance!

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