Las Vegas Sun

April 27, 2024

Winner in the cartoon caption contest

I want to thank all of the readers who participated in this installment of the cartoon caption contest. This was the most creative batch of entries we have ever received.

Below is the winning caption submitted by dipstick

Is Jack Daniels a drug?

Here are a few other entries we also liked.

Why are they testing my drugs? They work just fine.

Boy, did they get ticked off the last time. How was I supposed to know it was a tip jar?

Just because I stopped in the middle of the track and asked directions…

Thank God it’s not I.Q. testing.

Pee in a cup? I’ve got a 6 point racing harness, HANS devise, triple-layered racing gloves and I’m enclosed in a 24 point roll cage. I couldn’t pee in a pool from here!

Rumor has it they are bringing Dick Trickle out of retirement to head the testing program.

Can I get three cheeseburgers with fries and a chocolate milkshake?

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