Las Vegas Sun

April 19, 2024

Things are ‘Out of Order’ in this Actors Rep offering

"Out of Order" was so successful when it opened in London that it was awarded the Laurence Olivier Award as Comedy of the Year.

Lust is the trigger for the chaos in the plot. The apocalypse is set off by a Conservative politician's yen for the attractive secretary of an opposition politician. Having told his wife that he will be attending an all-night session of Parliament, the Right Honorable Richard Willey takes a room in a hotel nearby, planning to make it his love nest. Before his affair can be consummated, and to his horror, he discovers a body in his suite. He knows that if he notifies the authorities, the resulting publicity will expose him to his wife and colleagues.

Featured in this production will be Ray Favero as the philandering politician, and Bryan Harris as his prissy male secretary, who is given the impossible task of solving the ever-mounting dilemmas.

For reservations, call 647-7469.
