September 27, 2024

Letter: Bush has not learned from past

The GOP has once again lowered its subterranean standards with its new attack ads on the Democratic candidates who speak out against Bush's war.

How can we trust a president who wraps himself in the flag while refusing to acknowledge flag-draped coffins? How can we trust the TV media who spent umpteen hours covering Michael Jackson while never mentioning the fact the Senate resoundingly rejected the Bush-Cheney energy bill, with 40 courageous senators voting to sustain a filibuster?

Any president who questions the patriotism of those who disagree with him dishonors the 500,000 Americans who have given their lives in the past 100 years to insure our freedoms.

Bush's policies have created the largest terrorist training camp in the world, have further destabilized the Middle East, have fueled the fires of religious conflict and have made not only Americans but everyone in the world less secure.

The war against terrorism is being conducted by men who haven't learned from Vietnam, Northern Ireland or their own revolutionary war experience.

The doctrine of pre-emption will continue to dramatically alter and threaten alliances critical to world stability. Terrorism is fought with intelligence and depends on cooperation among the community of nations.

