September 26, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Some voters blinded by race

How can self-professed patriots and people of faith compartmentalize their values, setting them aside to support a corrupt figure?

One reason is because he appears as a savior of whiteness to many. Lies about Haitians are intended to apply to all people of color, including migrants from the Southern border. Such people are inferior, virtual savages, and this is why white people are superior.

These racists and supporters of racism need someone like Donald Trump to feel better about themselves, and too many are willing to overlook anything he does as long as he promotes white superiority.

Yet Trump needs such distractions in order to execute plans for the reign of oligarchs and plutocrats. While his lemmings are placated by racist tropes, the ultimate plan is furthering an ultra-right-wing society a la Project 2025.

Shame of those who cannot see we are indeed one community in these United States, and the suffering of one is the suffering of all. Denigrating one of us is denigrating our collective ambitions as a people. When one segment of our community is disenfranchised, that stifled productivity weakens us all. Sadly, that arbitrary social construct known as race prevents many of us from truly looking at each other as part of the same family.