Las Vegas Sun

May 19, 2024


Voters must lean in to democracy

For ordinary citizens, democracy works quite well. Some examples work better than others. None have approached perfection.

But compared with dictatorships, autocracies, theocracies, and democracies that have had elections truly rigged in favor of a corrupt strongman or military leaders — and where there is no free press, no divided power in government, or where the judicial system protects oligarchs and corrupt politicians over the less fortunate — bona fide democracy has resulted in greater freedom and autonomy for more average citizens. Resources and wealth are shared much more evenly and equally in real democracies.

Most Americans who grew up learning the benefits of democracy still believe that the United States is a democracy. They feel a sense of security about the protections built into the Constitution, which are designed to preserve government by the people and a fair justice system.

However, in the past several decades, equality and justice have been greatly compromised in too many ways. Certain ideologues and demagogues are questioning our form of government and blame government, immigrants, welfare programs, schools, social conditions, etc., for serious problems (which they and media exaggerate). They scapegoat handy targets and give a pass to the uber-wealthy who dodge taxes and civic duty.

Now, anti-democratic conservative Republicans plan to undermine the 2024 election by posting goons outside of polling locations to intimidate and scare anyone who appears to be from a demographic likely to vote Democratic. They have no authority. Do not let them stop you from voting.