Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Monday By the Numbers: Action at ‘Melody Sweets’ Big Top Circus & Burlesque!’ at Caesars

‘Melody Sweets’ Big Top Circus’


“Melody Sweets’ Big Top Circus & Burlesque!” on Friday, June 26, 2015, outside Caesars Palace.

Updated Tuesday, June 30, 2015 | 9:53 a.m.

‘Melody Sweets’ Big Top Circus’

“Melody Sweets’ Big Top Circus & Burlesque!” on Friday, June 26, 2015, outside Caesars Palace. Launch slideshow »

Melody Sweets’ Video Release at ‘Absinthe’

Rope-trick artist Chris McDaniel performs in Melody Sweets’ video-release party for the music video Launch slideshow »

Monday By the Numbers focuses principally on the Spiegelworld Tent at Caesars Palace, where Melody Sweets of “Absinthe” performed her latest headlining show, “Melody Sweets’ Big Top Circus & Burlesque!”

This was the fourth such offshoot production piloted by Sweets, and they have become a real happening.

The midnight start and nitty-gritty vibe of the “Absinthe” tent helps set the vibe, and the recruiting of great artists, acrobats and cracking band make the $20 ticket a laughable bargain.

Let’s run with the stats:

32: Performers (six strolling artists outside the tent, seven band member, and 19 artists and acrobats in the featured acts).

0: Full rehearsals before the show opened just after midnight Friday.

1: Inflatable dolls used in the human-balancing act performed by Jimmy Slonina.

1: Time I have seen musicians David Perrico, Mike “Beans” Benigno, Eric Plante and Stephen Lee dressed as clowns.

Maybe a dozen: Times I have seen rock ’n’ roll tuba/bassist Ginger Bruner dressed as a clown.

4: Glow-in-the-dark, pink elephant thongs used in the show.

30: Balloons popped from the costume of the relentlessly entertaining Dirty Martini during her act.

1: Pasties that fell free during the show (during the performance by Luna Storme).

3 hours, 15 minutes: Hours it took for Skin City Body Painting to paint the quartet of “lions” in the show.

4: Salto gymnastic flips performed by aerialist act Duo Fevrier.

435: Fans in attendance.

8 1/2: Episodes of “Game of Thrones” reportedly viewed by high-wire artist Lijana Wallenda as she glued rhinestones to her costume.

6: Standing ovations during the show.

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