Las Vegas Sun

June 1, 2024

Letters show company employing GOP assemblyman who attacked Reid over dairy deal sought the same deal

So GOP Assemblyman Ed Goedhart, who has not concealed very well that Harry Reid hit man Chuck Muth is his puppetmaster, has attacked the Senate majority leader for a 1999 maneuver Reid brags in an ad helped Anderson Dairy, which is in Las Vegas. Goedhart, who works for a rural dairy, has asserted the 1999 move hurt his company, Ponderosa Dairy. Yet a former Dairy Commission executive director says elsewhere on this blog that Goedhart is wrong and now I have the letters to prove it -- including one that shows Ponderosa also asked for the same dispensation as Anderson and others did 11 years ago. One knowledgeable source says Reid was not as instrumental at the time as his colleague, Sen. Richard Bryan, but said Goedhart's version of history is obviously false. (Goedhart has also put out a 2006 newspaper story blaming Reid for a 2006 dairy scheme, but he apparently failed to note that while Reid was involved, key players included bill author Jon Kyl and John Boehner -- both of whom, last I checked, are of Goedhart's party.)

Two revealing -- and for Goedhart, damning -- letters are posted at right.

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