Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Letter: Muth’s finance reform letter is hypocritical

In the case of one hotel owner who funneled legal but obscene amounts of money through the Republican Party to defeat a Democratic county commissioner, the public has a right to know who the donor was.

I know free speech is involved here, but the public has a basic right to know who is funding elections. Whether it is gaming, developers or individuals, we the voters, have a right to know. Political parties should have the same reporting requirements as a candidate. The political parties should not be used as a way to hide the identity of donor. Political parties should be used to support and encourage their party's ideals and build up party strength and get their candidates elected. This takes money and it is the public's business to have access to this information through filing requirements.

I know my support of open reporting will upset people on both sides of the aisle, but it must be done. The general public and even party activists, due to the very complicated FEC laws, have little knowledge of party funding.

While I support reporting of all amount over $100, care must be taken in writing the laws so it doesn't make it necessary for party's to hire a full-time attorney and CPA. This would just require more fund-raising.

Jan Jenkins
