September 20, 2024

Letter: Credit efforts of unions that we have decent wages

Whether anti or pro, we should all be thankful to our employer for giving us the opportunity to make our living, and the best way to say thank you is to give them a good day's performance.

I'm retired, but have always been pro-union. We pros know what the unions have achieved for all employees.

To those of you who are anti-union, I'm not employed by any union so I'm not trying to organize, OK?

The working conditions, wages and benefits you have today might not be enjoyed today if it had not been for organized labor negotiating for them.

Someone may say, "We have all these benefits, and we're not paying dues to a union."

True. Now let me answer that nonunion shops know they have to provide these benefits in order to get class employees.

Back in the '40s, we worked a six-day week. It was the union that negotiated for the 40-hour week without an loss in wages, from a six-day week to a five-day. Also, we paid for our own insurance. How many of you today have to?

Need I tell you why you don't? I'm sure you know. If and when the Frontier and the union settle, keep in mind all of those who worked during the strike are going to gain too. Need I tell you why?

Tony Lese
