Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Letter: Voting is the only defense to incompetent leadership

Not voting in the process of electing our officials is the same as turning our justice system over to a group of low-life incompetents. All one has to do is flip on the news or pick up the newspaper and read the latest in a series of horrific criminal cases in the forefront.

Let's start with Lawrence Singleton. He is the guy who was convicted of raping a young woman, chopping off her arms and leaving her for dead. He got a sentence of 14 years. Does anyone in his right mind think this is a "just" sentence? Put yourself in her shoes. There you are, lying in the desert, looking at what used to be your arms as you're bleeding to death. The first thing that goes through your mind is for the court to be a little easy on this guy. Perhaps seven years for each arm is fair. Better yet, let's release him early. After all, 14 years is an awfully long time for mutilating someone, don't you think? He was released after eight years or so. His next-door neighbor in cell D was in for 17 years for holding a couple of joints of marijuana.

Well guess what? Larry is in trouble again. It's just a simple murder charge. He'll probably get special consideration since there was no mutilation inflicted on his latest casualty. How about just probation?

Then I read where there is a mass release of rapists, murderers, robbers, etc., in Florida. I assume this is for a lack of space and court time.

Vote for people who are not going to let these atrocities take place within our legal system. People who will make sure there is going to be plenty of facilities to house the criminal element.

Thomas Cooper
