Las Vegas Sun

July 7, 2024

Editorial: Homeless shelter funding just in time

Since March more than 355 beds for the homeless have been lost, primarily because Catholic Charities is undergoing a massive renovation that has shut down much of its homeless facility. Back in August the Clark County Commission said a 250-bed tent shelter should open by this month -- a month earlier than it usually does -- and challenged other local governments to help make this a reality. Earlier this week the County Commission set aside $88,000 to open the winter shelter this month and the Las Vegas City Council, spurred on by Councilman Lawrence Weekly, followed through by authorizing $51,000 for the effort.

The only disappointing thing about the City Council's decision to approve more funds for the homeless was the comments made by Mayor Oscar Goodman leading up to the vote. Goodman took the opportunity, once again, to beat up on the homeless. "Las Vegas has gained a reputation as having a heart that reaches out to the homeless, and that is unacceptable to me," Goodman said.

Despite Goodman's assertion about the city being known for having a "heart," Las Vegas has fallen far short of providing even the most basic social services for the homeless. In a compassionate society, the concept of charity shouldn't be derided, it should be embraced.
