Las Vegas Sun

July 7, 2024

Groups promoting gambling may merge

LINCOLN, Neb. -- The organizers of two petition efforts to allow video slot machines in Nebraska might join forces.

"We'll have to sit down and see if we can do a little back and forth on things and come up with some common ground," said Joe Young, owner of Omaha's Choo Choo Bar and Grill and a head of Help Education Through Lottery Proceeds, or HELP.

Young's group already has started circulating petitions to change the constitution and allow video slot machines in bars.

Another group, the Nebraska Cooperative Government Commission, which is made up of cities and counties that operate keno games, is drafting a proposed amendment to allow casino-style video gambling.

Kimball Mayor Greg Robinson, president of the commission, said his group plans to meet with the bar owners in the next few weeks to try to merge the efforts.

"Two petitions on virtually the same subject ... could be confusing to the public," Robinson said.

Both campaigns are designed to keep money in Nebraska that now is spent at casinos in Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas and Colorado.
