Las Vegas Sun

July 7, 2024

Letter: If we can only survive until the next election

The present administration has one positive characteristic -- predictability. After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks we knew many things would occur.

We knew Sept. 11 would be blamed for the rising unemployment, falling stock market and lack of consumer confidence. We knew "W" would ask for our support and cessation of criticism because we are now "at war" -- a war that hasn't even been declared.

All of these problems and more were already present. Bush's tax cut for the wealthy had used up most of President Clinton's surplus, Social Security and Medicare were being ransacked, unemployment rates were escalating, stocks were falling rapidly, and the incompetence and bumbling continue.

The Republicans urging us to never criticize Bush now falls on deaf ears. Our country is in the worst peril in its history and we need competent leaders, not the mixed messages and our being treated like children that we are now enduring.

If we are fortunate enough to survive this administration, the next election will be watched more closely than a robin guarding her eggs. Republican interference by Florida and the Supreme Court will never be tolerated again.

Unlike the last election, the next president will be the one who receives the majority of votes, the person who we Americans actually elect. This is one of the few certainties we can count on during these terrible days.

