Las Vegas Sun

July 7, 2024

Where I Stand — Mike O’Callaghan: Some winners and losers

SO CLARK COUNTY Commissioner Chip Maxfield doesn't want to extend military leave pay for county employees called to active duty. He says the American Red Cross gives their families assistance for housing and food. Sure, commissioner, because of low pay some of them also qualify for food stamps.

He rationalizes his vote to deny the extended military leave pay by saying the funds used don't benefit the general public. Somebody should tell him to get real. Who does he think benefits from the military services if it's not each and every one of us?

The more sensitive commissioners, Woodbury, Williams, Herrera, Kincaid-Chauncey and Kenny, overrode Maxfield's objections and joined several other Nevada governmental entities approving the extended pay.

Wayne Newton is again on his way to entertain our troops with a USO show. Newton's entertaining our service people overseas has earned him a reputation that shines like his boyish smile.

There's no doubt that Newton has become this generation's Bob Hope with the men and women serving in the military during the past 30-plus years.

Nevadans are proud to say he is one of our own who answers the call during times of crisis.

Wednesday the Las Vegas City Council joined the human race and provided $200,000 to help the homeless. The presence of the homeless may not please some residents, but they are human beings who need our help.

If you are up about 5 in the morning and it feels chilly, just imagine what it was like a few hours earlier and your bed was on the sidewalk.

Last Saturday the conduct of Junior welterweight boxer Zab Judah, after being decked by Kostya Tszyu in their unification title fight at the MGM Grand Arena, was disappointing to say the least. Some adult in his entourage should tell him to grow up and act like a mature athlete. Throwing a stool across the ring (Bobby Knight he isn't), and shoving his glove against the referee's throat because the fight was stopped, isn't acceptable conduct. This isn't acceptable conduct even for a fighter who entered the ring cocky and with a flair for braggadocio when being interviewed.

The calm demeanor of referee Jay Nady and his handling of the out of control Judah speaks well for the Nevada State Athletic Commission. Nady had stopped the fight after Judah went down, got up and then sprawled on the canvas face down. Even when getting up the first time, it was obvious that his legs were wobbly and he wasn't ready for anything other than hitting the canvas again. Which he did.

Next week the NSAC members will take action to send a message that Judah's conduct inside the ring won't be tolerated in this state.

The Rebels didn't look good in their loss to Utah but I'm not about to give up on them. I have sat through many UNLV wins and losses during more than three decades and still go out to cheer for them. Very simply, I like football and the athletes who make it a great spectator sport. Athletes like Joe Haro and Kevin Thomas show the crowd why football is followed by so many Americans.

Don't sell quarterback Jason Thomas short. He has taken a beating this year from some local fans who have forgotten how he saved so many games last year. He is a young man who shouldn't allow one troubled season to ruin his life. The Utah game drew Thomas several rounds of boos. It must be tough to be scrambling and finding all potential receivers covered. I didn't have the skill to be a quarterback at any level of the game, but I can recognize that Thomas still has the heart and ability to produce some wins.

Having talented John Robinson, a true gentleman and sportsman, as the Rebel football coach bodes well for future years. Yes, like thousands of others, I'm looking forward to being back in the stands at Sam Boyd Stadium next fall.

Happy birthday greetings to all U.S. Marines. They celebrate the day all over the world tomorrow.
