Las Vegas Sun

April 26, 2024

Letter: Circus animals are doomed to suffer and die

Summer is here, the heat is here and animals are crammed into railroad cars and trucks like sardines being dragged around the country in circus sideshows.

Imagine how hot it gets inside these "ovens," between the outside temperature, their own body heat and little ventilation. Many of these unfortunate animals travel thousands of miles for up to 48 weeks a year to "perform" under the big top.

Not everyone agrees that if you love animals you go the circus.

"The Greatest Show on Earth" is an illusion. In reality it truly is "The Cruelest show on Earth"...

This is the 21st century and we know animal acts are not educational, do not promote conservation and are hell on earth for the animals stuck in an abusive way of life.

The public is fast becoming aware of the abusive, inhumane dismal life of traveling animal shows. In most cases death is the only way out for animals trapped in a cage called "home."

These animals are there because you buy a ticket. Is it worth the pain they suffer?

If you care about animals, don't go to the circus where oftentimes the only way out for these doomed animals is death. We have a choice, they don't.


Editor's note: The writer is an independent animal rights activist.
