Las Vegas Sun

June 18, 2024

Barkley says he’ll repay Wynn gambling debt

Charles Barkley said Thursday he will repay $400,000 in gambling markers he owes the Wynn Las Vegas, but he didn’t tell the right people.

Responding to a story in the Las Vegas Sun on Thursday, the NBA Hall of Famer told reporters at a golf tournament in Alabama that he would take care of the debt, according to the Associated Press.

But as of 5 p.m. Thursday, he had not contacted the Clark County district attorney’s bad check unit to make arrangements for restitution.

“We’ll welcome his phone call,” said District Attorney David Roger, who on Wednesday launched a criminal investigation of Barkley at the request of the Wynn. “We’re open 8 to 5.”

The bad check unit has authority under state law to investigate unpaid casino markers in the same manner as bad checks.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Bernie Zadrowski, who runs the bad check unit, said Barkley has to make arrangements to repay not just the debt but also a 10 percent fee — $40,000 in this case — that will go toward funding the bad check unit. Otherwise, Barkley will face felony charges.

Barkley told WJOX-AM radio in Birmingham, Ala., “I’ve been gambling 20 years. I’ve never had this happen before. It’s my fault I let the time lapse. I screwed up.”

Jennifer Dunne, a spokeswoman for Wynn Resorts, the parent company of Wynn Las Vegas, said Thursday the resort is not commenting on Barkley’s statements.

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