Las Vegas Sun

July 7, 2024

Nevada law firm reports job cuts

Nevada law firm Kummer Kaempfer Bonner Renshaw & Ferrario has laid off a number of attorneys and staff, the firm confirmed this week.

The firm also canceled its summer internship program.

“We did have some reductions,” firm spokeswoman Diane Gibes said. “Like so many companies across the country we were affected by the economic downturn. It’s unfortunate, but we felt we needed a leaner structure.”

The firm refused to divulge the exact number of staff let go or which departments they were in, but sources familiar with

the situation said the firm eliminated the jobs of at least nine attorneys and all related staff.

Typical staff-to-attorney ratios are two to three attorneys per support staff member, meaning three to four clerical staff were likely also let go.

The company has not changed its online attorney list and the State Bar of Nevada’s attorney directory has been malfunctioning for weeks, making it difficult to confirm which Kummer Kaempfer attorneys are still with the firm.

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