September 28, 2024

Nevada Supreme Court wants new rules for lawyers

CARSON CITY -- The Nevada Supreme Court has ordered new rules be drafted to make sure lawyers obtain their annual required legal education.

About 15 percent of the lawyers fail each year to meet the requirements for continuing legal education. In the last year, 1,118 lawyers did not meet the requirements and were fined $30. Those who failed a second time were fined $60.

The court directed the Board of Continuing Legal Education, composed of five lawyers, to draw up stringent new rules within 90 days. The board will hold public hearings in Carson City and Las Vegas, then draw up the new rules and submit them to the court.

Chief Justice James Hardesty said the new requirements should address the "delinquent and habitually delinquent attorneys." He said since 1993 the records show 542 lawyers have failed to meet the annual requirements during four or more years.

"There is no penalty for being repeatedly ... non-compliant," said Hardesty. "This is simply unacceptable.”