Las Vegas Sun

July 7, 2024

Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki lists legal defense expenses, donors

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Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki

CARSON CITY -- Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki paid a heavy price before a judge dismissed the criminal charges of misallocation of money that had been filed against him.

Krolicki filed his legal defense fund report Friday, showing his legal fees ran up to $218,601 in 2009 while the contributions totaled $61,271. Krolicki kicked in $15,000 of that himself.

His biggest single contribution to the defense fund last year was $10,000 from the XJ Grand Hotel in Lawndale, Calif. He characterized the owners of the hotel as good friends. Former Reno Mayor Bob Cashell, a former lieutenant governor, gave him $2,000.

Krolicki noted that he also raised about $200,000 in his legal defense fund in 2008.

"It was expensive," he said. And there are still some bills to pay.

The lieutenant governor raised more than $104,000 for his political campaign in December after the criminal charges were dismissed against him. He said that money could be used to pay his legal expenses.

The report, filed with the Secretary of State, shows Krolicki made six payments totaling $159,370 to the Las Vegas law firm of Wright, Stanish & Winkler in 2009.

"They did a great job," he said.

He also reported paying $25,409 to the law firm of Holland & Hard of Carson City, $5,845 to the Reno law firm of Robison, Belastegui, Sharp & Low and $3,450 to the Reno firm of Bader & Ryan.

Krolicki reported he received $24,000 from the legal defense fund during last year to cover his expenses.

District Judge Valerie Adair last month dismissed the charges brought against Krolicki, accused of misusing $6 million in the Nevada College Savings Program while he was state treasurer. He was charged with spending the money for advertisements and other expenses.

There was no money missing.

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