Las Vegas Sun

June 1, 2024

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Summerlin Hospital earns national consumer choice award

The Summerlin Hospital Medical Center has been recognized by the National Research Corporation as a 2010-2011 Consumer Choice Award winner.

The award highlights hospitals that healthcare consumers have chosen via a survey as having the highest quality and image in more than 300 markets nationally.

“We are pleased that Las Vegas consumers have once again chosen Summerlin Hospital to receive this recognition,” CEO and managing director Robert Freymuller said in a statement.

The winners of the award are determined by consumer perceptions on multiple quality and image ratings collected by the company’s Healthcare Market Guide Ticker study, which surveyed more than 250,000 households representing more than 450,000 consumers in the contiguous 48 states and the District of Columbia.

Founded in 1981, the National Research Corporation is a healthcare research and quality improvement firm that measures hospital, health care system and physician performance.

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