September 7, 2024

Sandoval meets with Republicans on budget for more than an hour, deal remains elusive

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Brian Sandoval

Sun Coverage

Gov. Brian Sandoval emerged from a meeting with legislative Republicans this morning, saying he’s confident lawmakers will pass a budget by their June 6 deadline despite the apparent breakdown of negotiations between the two parties this morning.

Sandoval spent more than an hour with Republicans this morning after a flurry of meetings between legislative leadership in the run up to a joint money committee meeting on the budget.

In a sign Monday that Democrats have given up on winning enough votes for a tax increase, they scheduled today’s meeting to begin cutting back some of the $968 million they had hoped to add to Sandoval’s proposed budget.

Instead, they have focused on trading spending reforms requested by Republicans for enough votes to extend the 2009 tax increases. That would allow them to add more than $600 million to the budget.

But a series of meetings late Monday night and early this morning did not result in an agreement. While Assembly Republicans are negotiating on reforms, Senate Republicans remain steadfast in their support of the governor’s budget.

Sandoval said little after he met with Republicans, other than “it was a great meeting.”

He added that he is “very confident” lawmakers will agree on a budget before the end of the 120-day session. But he didn’t say he had the votes necessary to pass his recommended $6.3 billion budget.

Sandoval left the meeting relaxed and smiling. Asked if he was still confident he quipped: “I have been since the very first day.”