September 7, 2024

Bill on reapportioned regents and education board districts approved

CARSON CITY – Bills reapportioning the University of Nevada Board of Regents and members of the state Board of Education by population were approved Saturday by the Assembly.

Both boards retain their current size and members can serve out the terms for which they were elected, even if their district changed.

On the Board of Regents, nine members have districts entirely within Clark County. The county shares one seat with Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Lincoln, Nye and White Pine counties.

Washoe County has one regent’s seat and shares another with Pershing County. The final district is composed of Washoe, Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Esmeralda, Lander, Lyon, Mineral and Storey counties.

The vote on Assembly Bill 570 was unanimous, but the tally on the reapportionment of the state Board of Education was 27-15, with Republicans opposed.

Assembly Bill 573 establishes seven districts in Clark County and one in Washoe County. There is one seat that Washoe shares with Carson City, Humboldt and Pershing counties. The remainder of the rural counties get one seat on the 10-member board.

Both bills go to the Senate.