Las Vegas Sun

June 24, 2024

Program expanding private school access clears hurdle

CARSON CITY — A bill aimed at helping lower-income students afford private schools has passed a Nevada Senate committee vote.

Senators approved AB165 in a 4-3 party-line vote on Thursday only a day after the bill was approved the Assembly. The bill now moves to the Senate floor.

It would allow businesses credit toward their modified business tax bill if they donate to a qualifying scholarship organization. Scholarships would go to students whose household income doesn't exceed 300 percent of the poverty level.

Proponents say it would help students leave lower-achieving schools for better ones.

Democratic Minority Leader Aaron Ford said he was concerned the bill didn't focus enough on students in poverty.

An amendment caps state tax credits at $10.5 million over two years, and caps scholarships at $7,755 apiece.

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