September 21, 2024

Tax return preparer accused of making 66 false claims

A Las Vegas-area tax preparer is accused of making dozens of fraudulent claims on tax returns, totaling more than $870,000.

Rosherral Beverly of Clark County was indicted Wednesday on 66 counts of preparing and filing false tax returns.

Authorities say Beverly ran RBTB Inc., a tax and book keeping business from 2006 to 2011 and prepared false and fraudulent tax returns for clients from 2008 to 2010.

Beverly claimed 66 false or inflated amounts for gifts to charity, job expenses, travel expenses, vehicle expenses, gambling losses, tuition and fee deductions and education credits.

The claims totaled more than $870,000.

If convicted, Beverly faces a sentence of three years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each false claim.