Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024

More than 200 sickened on San Diego-bound cruise ships

Updated Monday, April 13, 2015 | 4:58 p.m.

SAN DIEGO — Federal health officials say about 200 people have come down with vomiting and diarrhea aboard two San Diego-bound cruise ships.

The Centers for Disease Control says 112 passengers and crew were sickened by norovirus aboard the Celebrity Infinity, which carried some 2,000 passengers from Fort Lauderdale to San Diego on a trip that passed through the Panama Canal.

Celebrity Cruises, however, put the total at 100 and has said those who fell ill responded to shipboard medication.

The ship arrived in San Diego Monday and will depart for the canal after sanitizing.

Norovirus can be transmitted from contaminated food or water or an infected person.

Meanwhile, the Royal Caribbean ship Legend of the Seas arrives Tuesday. The CDC says 116 passengers and crew became sick from unknown causes.

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