Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024

Trial set for Las Vegas man in presidential threat case

Trial has been set in January for a Las Vegas gun collector who pleaded not guilty to charges that he threatened to harm President Barack Obama and other government officials.

Court records show that 55-year-old Tyrone Paul Ponthieux is due for trial Jan. 25 in U.S. District Court in Las Vegas.

Ponthieux was indicted Nov. 18 and pleaded not guilty Nov. 25. He has been in federal custody since June.

He's accused of posting a Facebook message in November 2014 urging people to get guns and shoot congressmen, senators and Obama, and to use a wood-chipper to reduce the dead bodies to fertilizer.

The Ponthieux is also charged with threatening federal officials including an FBI agent.

Ponthieux's defense attorney has said his client's statements could be protected First Amendment speech.

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