Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

U.S.-Cuba aviation deal allows 30 scheduled flights a day

Cuba-United States

Jose Goitia / AP

In this Nov. 1, 2001, file photo, the first passengers of the first flight of Continental Airlines from Miami arrive at Jose Marti Airport in Havana, Cuba. The United States and Cuba have reached an understanding on restoring regularly scheduled commercial flights, Cuban and U.S. officials said Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015, on the eve of the anniversary of detente between the Cold War foes.

HAVANA — The U.S. State Department says a landmark aviation deal with Cuba allows 30 regularly scheduled flights a day, an increase that would more than double air travel between the two countries.

Thomas Engle is the deputy assistant secretary for transportation affairs and he tells The Associated Press that the deal struck by the two countries Wednesday allows 20 flight a day to Havana and 10 to other cities. The commercial flights would be in addition to charter flights that are currently the only way to fly between the U.S. and Cuba. He says there are 10 to 15 charters daily to Havana, and a few to other cities.

He says the deal doesn't foresee flights to the U.S. by Cuban's national airline.

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