September 16, 2024

New Year ushers in new laws in Nevada

CARSON CITY — The new year brings 50 new laws into effect in Nevada.

The 2015 Legislature, which adjourned in June, approved the bills to become fully or partially effective Friday. Most bills took effect on passage or on July 1.

• One law requires the state Department of Education to set up a hot line to take reports on school bullying and report them to police and local education officials. The names of the complainants are kept secret unless needed in a criminal case.

• Another law requires the state Board of Health to establish guidelines for child care facilities to provide “an appropriate, private space where mothers may breast feed their child.”

• Reports will now be required on children who received free or reduced cost meals at school. Information collected will include graduation rates and grade averages.

• Teachers with exceptional performance will be entitled to a 10 percent raise, up from the present 5 percent.

• Employers will get a tax break of up to $500 if they contribute to the Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program.

• Registered voters may request sample ballots electronically instead of by mail.

• New or expanding data centers will be entitled to tax abatements.

• The university system and the state Department of Agriculture will be allowed to grow industrial hemp for research purposes.

• Managers of common-interest communities will be required to take educational courses on the subject.

• People are prohibited from advertising cremation services if they don’t own a funeral home or cremation facility in Nevada.