Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Armed Nevada lawmakers prompt joke about gunfight in Legislature

Assemblyman Pat Hickey

Assemblyman Pat Hickey

Nine Nevada lawmakers have disclosed they will be carrying concealed firearms during the legislative session that started today, prompting one assemblyman to joke about floor action turning into a gunfight.

Lawmakers must disclose to the Legislative Counsel Bureau if they plan to carry a gun, but the bureau is prohibited from publicly identifying them, Director Rick Combs said. The bureau doesn’t track the number of lawmakers who make firearms disclosures each year.

Republican Assemblyman Pat Hickey drew attention to the issue in an email to constituents this morning, joking about the number of armed lawmakers.

“There is no truth to the rumor... That following today’s swearing-in ceremonies, there will be fitting for optional bullet-proof vests in Room # 3301,” Hickey wrote. “Given the number of elected members in the Nevada Legislature applying for Concealed Weapon Permits (CCWs), it is possible a future Assembly Floor Session could turn into the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral — especially if certain righteous patriots in the body feel slighted by Speaker Hambrick.”

Hickey’s mention of Assembly Speaker John Hambrick was a reference to the ongoing fracas among far-right and moderate conservatives.

It was recently disclosed that Metro Police launched a corruption probe in December after Assemblyman Chris Edwards reported alleged extortion attempts after he was asked to change his vote for Hambrick for speaker.

Meanwhile, at least 10 pieces of gun legislation are on the table this session, the majority requested at the behest of Republican lawmakers.

Some bills aim to protect Nevadans from laws that would weaken the Second Amendment and expand concealed-carry laws.

A few pieces of legislation championed by Democrats would require expanded background checks and keep guns from those convicted of domestic abuse.

Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, a staunch Second Amendment advocate, declined to say whether she is among lawmakers carrying a concealed weapon.

“For the record, I can’t tell you,” she said with a wink and a smile.

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