Las Vegas Sun

July 5, 2024

Ex-Nevada lawmaker gets 3 years’ probation in gun case

Updated Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015 | 10:51 a.m.

Former Assemblyman Steven Brooks

Former Assemblyman Steven Brooks

A former Nevada lawmaker whose arrests and expulsion from the Legislature drew intense interest two years ago has been sentenced to three years' probation on a felony gun charge.

A judge in Las Vegas told Steven Brooks he'll spend the first six months in intensive supervision to ensure he remains sober, takes prescription medications and obtains mental health evaluation and treatment.

The probation runs concurrent with a separate three-year probation sentence in a domestic violence case.

Brooks pleaded guilty in August in a plea deal that got him released from jail after 17 months behind bars in California and Nevada.

The gun charge stemmed from his January 2013 arrest with a .357-caliber revolver in his state-issued car after police were told he threatened to harm Democratic Assembly leader Marilyn Kirkpatrick.

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