Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Law enforcement from 17 Nevada counties gather for summit

AG Law Enforcement Summit

Michelle Rindels / AP

Douglas County District Attorney Mark Jackson, right, speaks about the importance of collaboration between Nevada law enforcement agencies before a summit Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015, in Carson City.

CARSON CITY — Fifty-five sheriffs and district attorneys were invited, but more than 100 law enforcement officials representing Nevada's 17 counties showed up in Carson City for an idea-sharing summit hosted by state Attorney General Adam Laxalt.

The Thursday event is aimed at identifying emerging crime trends in Nevada and determining how different agencies can better work together.

It's also a networking opportunity for district attorneys and sheriffs from across the state, many of whom are new to their posts, like Laxalt.

"I consider them the tip of the spear. This is the law enforcement that's out there every day trying to keep our communities and our families safe," Laxalt said. "There's no more important line of communication to make sure the attorney general's office is doing everything we can to support them, partner with them where it makes sense."

The Republican attorney general said the program would include discussions about cyber-crimes, curbing domestic violence and human trafficking, among other issues.

Laxalt said ideas from attendees could end up being bills that go before the Legislature.

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