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Lawyer: Trucker tried to drive off tracks, ran for his life

Train Truck Crash

Mark J. Terrill / AP

Workers walk near a Metrolink train engine from a train that hit a truck and then derailed Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015, in Oxnard, Calif. Three cars of the Metrolink train tumbled onto their sides, injuring dozens of people in the town 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles.

Updated Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 | 2:58 p.m.

OXNARD, Calif. — A driver who abandoned his pickup truck on railroad tracks before a fiery crash with a commuter train made repeated attempts to get the vehicle off the rails and then ran for his life as the train approached, his lawyer said Wednesday.

Jose Alejandro Sanchez-Ramirez accidentally drove onto the tracks and made the situation worse by continuing forward in an attempt to get enough speed to get his wide pickup over the rails, attorney Ron Bamieh said. When that effort failed, he tried to push the truck and then fled before impact.

"He hits his high beams trying to do something. He's screaming. He realizes, 'I can't do anything,' and then he tries to run so he doesn't get killed," Bamieh said. "He saw the impact, yes, it was a huge explosion."

The lawyer's account offered a different perspective on what investigators have said about the crash that injured 30 people, four critically, when the Los Angeles-bound Metrolink train derailed before dawn Tuesday.

Police said Ramirez was trying to go right at an intersection just beyond the crossing, but made the turn too soon and ended up stuck on the tracks before the crossing arms came down.

National Transportation Safety Board member Robert Sumwalt said Tuesday that the truck had not bottomed out on the tracks, which might have happened with a smaller vehicle.

Bamieh said Ramirez's Ford F-450 truck straddled the tracks and while he was able to drive, he couldn't back up because he was towing a trailer and he couldn't get his wheels to clear the rails.

Police said Ramirez did not call 911 and made no immediate effort to call for help. But Bamieh said Ramirez, who doesn't speak English well, tried to get help from a passerby, tried calling his employer and eventually reached his son to help him speak with police.

Sumwalt said the train's video and data recorders will help the investigation. The engine of Ramirez's truck was intact, despite being burned, and may also offer clues about what happened.

Police said Ramirez was found 45 minutes after the crash 1.5 miles away, though Bamieh said he was only a half-mile away and that he has phone records that show he spoke with police much sooner. He was arrested on suspicion of leaving the scene of an accident with injuries.

Police would not discuss drug and alcohol test results, but Bamieh said he was told there was no sign Ramirez was impaired.

Ramirez 54, of Yuma, Arizona, pleaded guilty to drunken driving in Arizona in 1998 and was cited for failure to obey a traffic control in 2007, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Passenger Joel Bingham said many of those aboard the train were asleep and shocked awake when the loud boom first happened about 65 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles.

"It seemed like an eternity while we were flying around the train. Everything was flying," Bingham said. "A brush of death definitely came over me."

Eight of the 30 people initially examined were admitted to the hospital, officials said.

Lives were likely saved by passenger cars designed to absorb a crash that were purchased after a collision a decade ago in Glendale killed 11 people and injured 180 others, Metrolink officials said. The four passenger cars in Tuesday's crash remained largely intact, as did the locomotive.

The crash disrupted rail service for a day, but freight trains and Amtrak resumed running Wednesday and commuter trains were scheduled to roll later in the day.

The train collision happened Tuesday around 5:45 a.m., a few minutes after leaving the Oxnard station. The engineer saw the abandoned vehicle and hit the brakes, but there wasn't enough time to stop, Oxnard Fire Battalion Chief Sergio Martinez said.

The crossing has been the scene of many crashes over the years.

Associated Press writers Christopher Weber and Justin Pritchard in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

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