Las Vegas Sun

June 21, 2024

Obama warns Congress new sanctions could blow up Iran deal


Mark Humphrey / AP

President Barack Obama speaks at Pellissippi State Community College Friday, Jan. 9, 2015, in Knoxville, Tenn.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama says the likelihood is very high that nuclear negotiations with Iran would collapse if Congress moves forward with new sanctions. He says he'll veto a sanctions bill if it comes to his desk.

Obama is urging members of Congress including Democrats not to pursue new sanctions while talks are underway. He says there's no good argument for undermining the negotiations.

Obama says if the talks collapse, there will be no constraint on Iran moving ahead with its nuclear program. He says Iran will be able to blame the U.S. for blowing up the deal, and other countries will see it that way as well.

Many U.S. lawmakers want more sanctions to keep up pressure on Iran. Negotiators face a March target date to reach a framework accord.

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