Las Vegas Sun

June 23, 2024

Man accused of decapitating wife in Phoenix

Phoenix police say a man suspected of decapitating his wife and their two dogs will be charged once he recovers from his own injuries.

Officers were called to a central Phoenix apartment Saturday around 9:45 a.m. Saturday after a neighbor found the suspect, who was nude.

Officers entered the home and found 49-year-old Trina Heisch's body and the dogs in a closet.

The suspect told police he had killed three family members.

Police spokesman Trent Crump says the 43-year-old man remained hospitalized Sunday after undergoing surgery. The man had a missing eye and a severed forearm.

Crump says the suspect and victim have a history of mental illness, domestic violence and drug abuse.

Heisch was arrested in March for trying to stab the suspect.

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