Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Senate passes bill requiring quicker reporting of bullying

CARSON CITY — Nevada senators have passed a bill backed by Gov. Brian Sandoval that would implement a broad anti-bullying initiative throughout Nevada's school system.

Senators voted 18-1 on Monday to approve SB504, which would create an Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment within the Nevada Department of Education.

It would also strengthen reporting requirements for bullying incidents, and create a 24-hour hotline and a website for submitting complaints.

The bill now heads to the Assembly.

Sandoval's budget proposes allocating $36 million over the next two years to hire one school social worker for every 250 students and execute the goals of the anti-bullying office. That financial request has yet to garner final legislative approval.

The anti-bullying program is one of several major education initiatives Sandoval has proposed.

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