Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Neighbor grabs video, records burglars fleeing Summerlin house


Courtesy Facebook

One of the men caught on video is shown in this screen grab from a Facebook video during a home robbery in Las Vegas.

A Las Vegas man who armed himself with a video camera and a gun to confront four burglars fleeing a home break-in says the incident shows the value of knowing your neighbors and being able to ask for help.

Brett McCann said Thursday he never hesitated to act when his neighbor called from work Tuesday morning to tell him someone was looting his Summerlin house.

McCann was in the Air Force for 22 years, and has registered weapons and lots of training.

He says he noticed his neighbor's front door had been kicked in, before four men came running from the home and piled into a white SUV.

The driver paused once, turning toward McCann and leaving a clear video image.

McCann says he thinks that'll help police find the culprits.

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