Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024

200 Syrians fleeing war have arrived in South Korea

SEOUL, South Korea — Seoul's spy service told lawmakers on Wednesday about 200 Syrians fleeing war have arrived by airplane in South Korea, but the government has yet to decide whether to grant refugee status to any of them.

It wasn't clear over what time period the Syrians had arrived, but National Intelligence Service chief Lee Byoung Ho told lawmakers that they are mostly wealthier individuals who could afford to fly, according to the office of lawmaker Shin Kyung-min.

While most of the Syrians have been permitted to leave the airport and stay elsewhere while they wait for South Korea to decide whether to grant them refugee status, 65 of them are still at the airport where they are being questioned by officials, Shin's office said.

Lee told lawmakers there are no particular sign suggesting the country has become vulnerable to terrorist attacks by the Islamic State group or its supporters in the wake of the attacks in Paris, Shin's office said.

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