Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Virginia teens arrested for allegedly plotting shooting rampage

Law enforcement officials say two Virginia students have been arrested for plotting a shooting rampage at their high school.

Cpt. Jeff Pearce of the Spotsylvania County Sherriff's office said Saturday that the two teens, ages 15 and 17, were planning to use firearms and knives to attack students and staff at Riverbend High School in Fredericksburg.

The sheriff's office declined to name the two students, saying it does not identify juvenile suspects unless they're charged with a capital felony.

The students are charged with conspiracy to commit murder and are being held at the Rappahannock Regional Juvenile Detention Center.

Pearce said officials were able to thwart the attack long before the teens planned to commit it and that students and staff at the school were never in any danger.

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