Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Don’t waste your pumpkin


Associated Press

Moluccan cockatoo Zeppy looks for treats inside a pumpkin at the Oklahoma City Zoo in Oklahoma City.

You pick the perfect pumpkin, and it serves you well for Halloween.

The holiday comes and goes. Then what?

Sure, you could throw the pumpkin away. But there are plenty of other options to reuse your gourd.


Transition pumpkins from fall to winter with a little paint and creativity. Paint an uncarved pumpkin white, then use paint or permanent markers to make a snowman face: two black eyes, a series of black dots for a “coal” mouth and an orange “carrot” nose. Paint the stem black for a winter hat. For a taller “snowman,” stack smaller pumpkins on top of larger ones. Break or cut off the stems of the larger pumpkins, then connect them to the smaller ones by pounding in wooden dowels or metal rods. Decorate with a ribbon scarf to complete the look.


Reuse uncarved pumpkins as decorative vases. If needed, thinly slice the base of the pumpkin so the fruit sits flat. Coat the pumpkin in PVC glue, wait for it to dry, fill it halfway with water and add flowers. Use smaller pumpkins for tabletop vases, larger ones for floor vases.

Floating candle

Pumpkins, particularly small ones, are buoyant and make beautiful natural floating candle holders. First, remove the stem. Then place a tea candle on top of the pumpkin and trace its outline with a pen. Cut out the tracing deep enough so the top of the candle is flush with the top of the pumpkin, then place the lit candle snuggly inside. Put a dozen or more in a pool for sparkling outdoor decor or float one or more in a large glass bowl for a centerpiece.


Use leftover pumpkins to grow an incredible garden next year. Pumpkins are a great source of zinc, iron and phosphorus and can help balance and enrich a compost pile. Remove wax or anything else inorganic, then cut the pumpkin into small pieces and toss it into your compost pile for use in the spring.

Incense burner

Rub cinnamon or pumpkin pie spices, or push cloves, into the flesh of a pumpkin. Place a lighted tealight candle inside. The pumpkin will give off the fragrance of the spices for about six hours. Jack-o-lanterns are perfect for this project, as the cut-outs allow more scent to escape.


Cut a large opening in the top of an uncarved pumpkin, hollow the gourd, then cut or drill a thumb-sized drainage hole in the pumpkin’s underside (to prevent the pumpkin from rotting and plants from drowning). Fill the pumpkin halfway with potting mix (not gardening soil), then add plants and water thoroughly. Even easier, place a pre-potted plant, tub and all, inside the hollowed pumpkin.

Bird feeder

Use leftover pumpkins to attract birds to your yard. Cut a 3- to 5-pound pumpkin in half and scoop out the inside, leaving a 1/2-inch-thick wall around the perimeter. For perches, poke four equidistant holes in the pumpkin, about an inch from the rim, using a drill or knife, then insert two long twigs so they cross in the pumpkin’s center. Leave several inches of each twig poking from each side of the pumpkin. Secure a long piece of twine to each twig, then knot the four ends together. Fill with birdseed, hang from the center knot and welcome your avian guests.

Face mask

Pumpkins are great for the skin, as they are loaded with vitamins A, C and E, which fight wrinkles, and beta carotene, zinc, potassium and antioxidants, which help eliminate redness. Masks made from the fruit leave complexions fresh and glowing. Plus, pumpkins smell great.

For each mask, you'll need 1 small pumpkin, 1/2 teaspoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of milk.


1. Scrape the insides of a whole or carved pumpkin, avoiding the seeds. Gather the pumpkin flesh and mash it to a creamy pulp. Mix the pulp with the honey and milk.

2. Apply the mask to your face using your fingers or a makeup brush. Avoid getting the mixture too close to your eyes. You also can apply the mask to your neck and upper chest, but you’ll likely need to double the recipe.

3. Allow the mask to set for about 20 minutes.

4. Wash off the mask with a warm, damp washcloth and follow with a moisturizer.

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