Las Vegas Sun

July 2, 2024

Former Nevada Supreme Court Justice Cliff Young dies at 93

CARSON CITY — Former Nevada Supreme Court Justice C. Clifton Young, who also served as a member of Congress and the Nevada Legislature, has died.

Young died at the Veteran's Administration Hospital on Sunday after a short illness, his daughter, Diana Monfalcone, told the Reno Gazette-Journal. He was 93.

Young was born in Lovelock in 1922 and earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Nevada, Reno before serving in the Army in Europe during World War II.

He attended Harvard Law School before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1952, serving two terms there as a Republican.

Young was in the Nevada state Senate from 1966 to 1980 and then joined the Nevada Supreme Court in 1985. He retired in 2002 after 18 years on the bench.

Justice James Hardesty, who worked as a law partner with Young and described him as a mentor, called Young one of the most innovative justices on the court.

"But I believe Justice Young will be most remembered for his love and devotion to his family and his church; his common sense approach to life; his extraordinary intellect, humor, and wit; and his commitment to the conservation of the environment," Hardesty said in a statement.

A former president of the National Wildlife Federation, Young was an avid hunter and fisher who was passionate about protecting public lands.

Young was married to Loretta "Jane" Young for almost 60 years and together they had four children, according to the newspaper.

"He really did touch a lot of people's lives in Nevada," Monfalcone told the newspaper ( "He was just so straight, honest and dependable. He was just the type of person I wish all of us could be."

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