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Man accused of slaying on loose from psychiatric hospital

Psychiatric Facility Escape

Lakewood Police Department / AP

These undated photos provided by the Lakewood Police Department shows Mark Alexander Adams, left, and Anthony Garver. Adams and Garver, described as dangerous, have escaped from Western State Hospital, a psychiatric facility, in Pierce County, south of Tacoma, Wednesday, April 6, 2016.

Updated Thursday, April 7, 2016 | 2:24 p.m.

SEATTLE — A man who escaped from a beleaguered psychiatric facility in Washington state was caught Thursday, but a second fugitive, who was charged with murder but found mentally incompetent to stand trial, was still on the loose.

Mark Alexander Adams, 58, who had been accused of domestic assault in 2014, and Anthony Garver, 28, crawled through a window of a locked, lower-security unit of Washington state's largest psychiatric hospital on Wednesday night, police and hospital officials said.

Western State Hospital says the men were discovered missing 45 minutes later, but police said it took an hour and a half. There was no immediate way to reconcile the different timelines.

Adams got on a bus and asked the driver how to get to the airport. Someone recognized Adams and officers picked him up Thursday morning without incident about 20 minutes away from the facility in a town just south of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Lakewood police Lt. Chris Lawler said.

The escape is the latest in a litany of problems at the 800-bed hospital south of Tacoma, where violent assaults on both staff and patients have occurred.

U.S. regulators have repeatedly cited the facility over safety concerns and threatened to cut millions in federal funding. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently extended the hospital's deadline for fixing the problems from April 1 to May 3.

A federal judge also has said the hospital has failed to provide timely competency services to mentally ill people charged with crimes.

Garver, who was arrested on suspicion of murder in 2013, remains at large. He was charged with tying a woman to a bed with electrical cords at her home and torturing her to death, Snohomish County Assistant Prosecutor Craig Matheson said. She was stabbed dozens of times.

The bus driver picked up a man he believed was Garver around 6 p.m. Wednesday, said police, who urged anyone who spots him to keep away and contact authorities.

Garver's lawyer, Jon Scott, said he could not speak about the escape but said he hopes Garver "is found quickly and safely and returned to Western State Hospital."

The men were last seen at 6 p.m. Wednesday during dinner and found missing 45 minutes later during a routine patient check, said Carla Reyes, assistant director of the Department of Social and Health Services' Behavioral Health Administration, which oversees mental health services in the state.

Police said the absence was discovered at 7:30 p.m. and officers were alerted just after 7:45 p.m.

Patients in the hospital's lower-security unit are checked every hour, Reyes said. Garver and Adams were not placed in the high-security unit because a judge granted a state request to hold them as a danger to themselves or others after treatment failed to restore their ability to understand the criminal charges against them.

Officials are conducting a safety review of the hospital and will bring in outside experts to help, Reyes said.

"We can never have too many fresh eyes reviewing a situation as serious as this," Reyes said in a statement. "As always, safety — for the public, staff and other patients — remains a priority."

Nursing Supervisor Paul Vilja said he was amazed to hear that the men who escaped were assigned to a unit with hourly checks, because some of the more-dangerous patients are in units with checks every 15 minutes.

Vilja and other hospital workers objected when the hospital first required the 15-minute checks two years ago because they said staffing levels were not adequate to handle the extra duties. Workers were required to fill out forms for each 15-minute check but often fell behind, so not all of the checks were done, Vilja said.

The state has a history of underfunding its mental health programs, including its facilities, said Lauren Simonds, executive director for the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Washington. She said she hopes funding added during the recent legislative session will help move the state from being ranked lowest in the nation.

Despite increased federal scrutiny of the hospital, assaults have persisted, according to records obtained by The Associated Press.

A patient with a history of violent behavior choked and punched a mental health technician on March 26, according to an internal report. Another report on March 23 said a male patient slipped out of his monitors and was found in a bathroom with another male patient, who said he was sexually assaulted.

The state has tried to fix some of the problems by increasing funds so more staff could be hired. But the hospital has struggled with recruiting and retaining workers.

Injured employees missed 41,301 days of work between 2010 and 2014 and on-the-job injuries forced staff to move to other jobs, like desk work, for 7,760 days during that period, according to state Occupational Safety and Health Administration records.

Workers' compensation insurance paid $6 million in wage and medical costs for claims to injured hospital workers between January 2013 and September 2015, according to records acquired by the AP. More than half of the 700 injuries reported by nurses, psychiatric technicians, counselors, psychiatrists and other workers during that period were caused by violent patient assaults, the records said.