Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Adele says her credit card was declined at H&M

Grammy Awards Show

Matt Sayles/Invision / AP

Adele performs at the 58th annual Grammy Awards on Monday, Feb. 15, 2016, in Los Angeles.

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Adele may be one of pop music's biggest stars, but she says her fame and fortune didn't prevent her credit card from being declined at an H&M store.

London's Daily Mirror reports that Adele told concertgoers at a show in San Jose, California, on Sunday that her card was declined at the fashion retailer earlier that day. She says, however, that she was able to make some purchases with the card at a Sephora makeup store.

The Mirror says Adele told the crowd nobody recognized her but she was nonetheless "mortified."

H&M spokeswoman Katarina Gustafsson tells The Associated Press the company doesn't have any information about Adele's claim and declines comment.

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