Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Illinois state trooper shoots, wounds carjacking suspect on Chicago’s South Side

CHICAGO— Illinois State Police officials say a trooper shot and wounded a teenage boy who was inside a fleeing stolen vehicle on Chicago's South Side.

State Police tell The Chicago Sun Times ( that the vehicle was reported stolen at gunpoint earlier Saturday. A trooper later spotted the vehicle and tried to pull it over about 6:50 p.m. The vehicle sped away but was eventually caught in traffic at the northbound Chinatown ramp.

Police say when troopers approached the stopped vehicle, the driver tried to run one of them over. They say one trooper, "fearing for his life," fired into the vehicle.

The driver sped off again and eventually four people jumped out. Three suspects were arrested and the fourth later arrived at a hospital with multiple, nonlife-threatening gunshot wounds.

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