Las Vegas Sun

June 14, 2024

New programs aimed at reducing returns to prison

CARSON CITY — Thirty-eight percent of inmates who commit drug or property offenses in Clark and Washoe counties are likely to return to prison for new crimes or violating their parole and probation conditions after they are released, according to state officials.

James Dzurenda, director of the Nevada Department of Corrections, told the state Board of Examiners on Monday that new programs will be established next year to better prepare the inmates to make it on the outside once they are released from prison. From the time inmates enter prison, the programs will aim to start changing their behavior.

There will be rehabilitation programs for drug users, mental health assistance and job training.

The Department of Corrections received a federal grant of $978,100 to lower the recidivism rate. The Board of Examiners approved the DOC to contract with UNR for $232,295 to evaluate the new programs.

While the recidivism rate is 38.06 in Clark and Washoe counties, the statewide average is 30 percent for those convicted of property and drug offenses.

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