Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024

Man accused of stealing police badges while being questioned

IRWIN, Pa. — Authorities say a Pennsylvania man stole several police badges while he was being held for questioning in a domestic dispute.

Police say 26-year-old Robert Dingeldein stole the badges Oct. 30 while being questioned by Irwin police. The small town has all its borough offices in one building, so Dingeldein was held in the mayor's office to keep him away from a woman also being questioned in the dispute.

Police say they didn't realize that Dingeldein had taken anything from the office until someone else returned one of the stolen badges last month.

Police say Dingeldein has since apologized and returned the three other badges he took.

He faces a preliminary hearing May 18 on theft-related charges. He doesn't have an attorney or listed phone number.

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