Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024

UNR sees rise in sexual assault reports on campus

The University of Nevada, Reno, is seeing a rise in the number of reported cases involving sexual assaults and violence.

The Reno Gazette-Journal reports ( ) the school's Title IX office told faculty this week that it handled 16 reports of sexual assaults last year.

Office director Denise Cordova says there were six forcible sex offenses reported in 2014 and one in 2013.

She also says her office investigated 135 cases last year involving allegations of dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual assault.

The university recorded fewer than 20 criminal offenses in 2014.

Cordova says the spike in cases could be due to increased education about issues as what is consent.

She says students tend to hesitate about reporting a crime because of fear of retaliation.

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