Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Spike Lee endorses Sanders: ‘He will do the right thing’

Spike Lee

Charles Sykes / Invision / AP

Director Spike Lee attends the premiere of “Chi-Raq” at Ziegfeld Theater on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015, in New York.

Filmmaker Spike Lee is endorsing Bernie Sanders for president in a South Carolina radio ad.

Arguing, in Sanders' words, that the "system is rigged," Lee praises Sanders for not taking money from corporations in the ad. And in a reference to one of his early films, Lee says that once in the White House, Sanders "will do the right thing."

Lee also notes that the Vermont senator participated in the march on Washington and protested segregation in Chicago public schools.

A writer, director and actor, Lee's films include "Do the Right Thing," and "Malcom X." His most recent movie "Chi-Raq" is about gun violence in Chicago.

Lee endorsed President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

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