Las Vegas Sun

June 28, 2024

State fast-tracking road improvements for Faraday Future plant

CARSON CITY — The Nevada Department of Transportation will speed along the design and construction of road improvements for the Faraday Future electric car factory in North Las Vegas.

Director Rudy Malfabon said today the agency will use state funds to make the improvements and seek reimbursement from the federal government.

Malfabon said the $93 million job includes widening U.S. 93, improving the intersection of U.S. 93 and Interstate 15 and realigning a frontage road.

Malfabon said the improvements to U.S. 93 were needed even before the Faraday announced plans to build a plant at the Apex Industrial Park.

Gov. Brian Sandoval said Faraday plans to open the plant in two years, and he wants make sure the highway improvements coincide with the completion of the facility.

Malfabon said the department decided on a design-build process to speed up the project.

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