Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Crews restore power to lodge at bottom of Grand Canyon

GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK, Ariz. — Crews have restored power to a lodge and cantina at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Arizona Public Service says the electricity at Phantom Ranch went out early Saturday morning.

Spokesman Steven Gotfried says power was restored around 7 p.m. MST Monday.

He says crews had to hike along the power line to figure out what went wrong, discovering a fault between Phantom Ranch — near the Colorado River at the bottom of the canyon — and the Indian Gardens camping area.

The concessionaire that runs Phantom Ranch, Xanterra Parks and Resorts Inc., had notified people with reservations and tried to reschedule them.

The dormitories and cabins at Phantom Ranch are coveted among tourists, who can reserve them more than a year in advance.

Xanterra spokesman Bruce Brossman says the beds were about half full with 45-50 guests when the power went out.

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